My response to David Cameron's "New Year's message"

There is no "thank you" anywhere in the message and no acknowledgement that we will only succeed if we are inspired to work and work together - which most of us try to do. And the world outside our shores only gets a mention as a threat - the "global race" with China, India and Indonesia (Indonesia?). How about our international partnerships and how about the fact that Britain is not alone nor can we be. This is not a "fight them on the beaches" moment - an acknowledgement of the interdependence of modern States would have been welcome.
It is a message full of blame-apportionment and loose rhetoric. A message from a man whose speech writing is repetitive and who assumes that Governing is the same as Campaigning. There isn't a spark of originality or intellect anywhere. There is no apology for failure. And above all no sign that Cameron understands how ordinary people live and what our true priorities are.
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